Saturday, December 13, 2008

Web2.0 and Learn2.0

Oh, grow up.
This article discusses the possible death of blogging because of the excessive number of bloggers and the challenge of keeping fresh, up to date content.

On a personal level, I have begun to enjoy getting in touch with old friends or getting to know co-workers that I only see a few times a year. Facebook and Twitter give that opportunity, but those only offer quick snippets and fun activities. Blogging offers a look into the challenges and wonders of the writer's life. This connection can bring people together through commonalities.

On a professional level, blogging offers insight into CML's leaders to provide guidance and offer another medium of communication. It is fundamental for an organization to provide communication to operate, although the greater challenge is for the audience. The audience can go into 'information overload". These social networking avenues provide the reader with the opportunity to extract the information they want within their limits leaving other communication mediums for more mission critical news.

Learn and Play as given us ideas for blogging and social networking. How can we use this virtual avenue of communication to save money for library?

This article discusses the importance of collaborative learning sharing expertise and letting go of the top-down mindset. This will be second nature to the next generation coming into the workforce. Learning professional will need to keep up and embrace this or face being pushed aside.

Technology is growing fast and the expectation to keep up is great. To compete in today's world, one must be able to show their learning flexibility.

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